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Bradley Trull
Bradley Trull was born and raised in Oregon and put his faith in Christ at a young age. He previously served as a part-time youth pastor. He received his MDiv. from Western Seminary in Portland in 2023 and in 2024 he became the youth pastor at CEC. He is married to Carly and the Lord has blessed them with a son named Samuel. Bradley looks forward to seeing how the Lord will be working in the hearts of the students at CEC. His hobbies include hunting, fishing, and playing disc golf.
布拉德利·特魯爾 (Bradley Trull) 在俄勒岡州出生長大,年輕時就接受基督信仰。他曾在另一间教会擔任过六年兼職青年牧師。2023年,他從波特蘭西部神學院獲得道學碩士學位,並於2024年成為CEC的青年牧師。他與卡莉結婚,上帝賜福給他們一個兒子,名叫撒母耳。布拉德利期待看到主如何在 CEC 學生的心中工作。他的興趣包括狩獵、釣魚和打飛盤高爾夫球。

青少年牧師, 實習長老
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