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CEC 50周年分享見證 杨明印 11/18/2023



        我和玉焕是2003年1月份信主受洗, 2006年因工作緣故搬到波特蘭,開始尋找中文教會。當時經由解骅弟兄推薦,我們來到了Portland CEC教會。記得初到教會時,聽到的週日講道信息很吸引我們,又看到bulletin上寫著”揹起自己的十字架跟從主”,  就感覺這個教會是以聖經真理為基礎的純正教會。后来又有弟兄姊妹充滿愛心的关怀問候,感覺非常溫暖,就留了下來固定聚會。現在回想起來,這是我們信主以來第一次有一個屬靈的家的歸屬感。在這裡,每個週日我們聽到的聖經信息都感到很扎心,對我們的日常生活和生命成長很有幫助。每個週五和弟兄姊妹家庭的團契使我們也深深感受到,在神的家裡大家用愛心彼此联络,彼此服侍,彼此支持。那時候,玉焕開始在週五的兒童看顾和兒童主日學有一些服侍,而我呢, 基本上沒有做什么事,当时聖經的理解也不是特別深。 那段时间正好是黃牧師在牧會,他邀請我們參加了一个门徒培訓班,教導我們如何专心跟從主,作主的門徒,又如何響應主的呼召傳講福音,為主作見證。在這個門徒培訓課結束的時候,黃牧師和师母邀请我們參與傳福音的服侍。黄牧师以前曾經在波特蘭Portland State University學生當中有过一个福音團契,後來因為離開波特蘭這個團契也停止了。當時他再次回到PORTLAND, 有一個異象就是在 PSU重建一个中文的學生團契,向从中国来的华人學生學者傳講福音,带领他們認識主。 所以在培訓課結束的時候,他帶領我們幾位弟兄姊妹一起到FOCUS, PSU去接觸那些從中國來的學生和學者。的确见到许多中国人, 是一个大工场。那個時候我對傳福音沒有任何經驗,也不知道這是不是神要我們做的事情。所以我和玉換就經過再三考慮,禱告寻求,決定參與這個事工。所以2009年黄牧師成立了這個中文校園團契,和几位同工一起我們開始了每週日晚上的聚會,为他们提供晚餐。可是後來黃牧師他們離開了波特蘭,我和玉換不得不膽戰心驚地承擔起這個事工, 這一做就是10年. 一開始服侍时,感覺到 裝備實在是不夠, 所以我開始花大量时间潛心研讀聖經,真正地在真理上深深地扎根,並且在向學生學者傳福音,讲解圣经的過程當中得到操練和巩固. 從2009到2019這10年的時間,中國的大門敞開,有很多的學生學者到PSU和OHSU來, 每年能有幾百个交換學生,  研究生, 還有訪問學者以及他們的家人。藉著这个中文团契,他們很多人聽到了福音,也有許多人信主得救。從2009年到現在,感謝讚美主,這個團契仍然存在。特別感謝我們CEC教會的弟兄姊妹從一開始到今天一直為這個團契提供飯食支持和各樣的幫助,也常有弟兄姐妹来做主题分享,见证分享等等。感謝弟兄姐妹的同工,感谢讚美主,神的恩典是豐盛夠用. 


Hello, brothers and sisters, peace be with you. Thank you very much for giving us this precious opportunity to share about God's work in our lives and to witness His grace and faithfulness, especially the equipping and growth we experienced at CEC from 2006 to 2012.

My wife and I accepted Christ and were baptized in January 2003. Due to work reasons, we moved to Portland in 2006 and started looking for a Chinese church. Through Brother Xie Hua's recommendation, we came to Portland CEC. The Sunday sermons were captivating, emphasizing taking up one's cross to follow the Lord. The church seemed to be based on biblical truth, and the warm care and greetings from brothers and sisters made us feel welcomed, leading us to stay and become regular attendees. Looking back, it was the first time since we believed in the Lord that we felt a spiritual sense of belonging. Every Sunday, the biblical messages touched our hearts, providing practical guidance for our daily lives and spiritual growth. The Friday fellowships with brothers and sisters' families also made us feel the love and support within God's family.

During that time, my wife started serving in the Friday children's ministry and Sunday school, while I didn't actively participate and had a limited understanding of the Bible. Pastor Huang invited us to join a discipleship training class, teaching us how to wholeheartedly follow the Lord, be His disciples, respond to His call, preach the gospel, and be witnesses for Him. At the end of the discipleship class, Pastor Huang and his wife invited us to participate in the evangelism ministry. Pastor Huang had a vision of rebuilding a Chinese student fellowship at PSU for students and scholars from China. We joined him and others to reach out to these students at FOCUS, PSU.

In 2009, Pastor Huang established the Chinese Campus Fellowship, and we began weekly gatherings on Sunday evenings, providing dinner for them. After Pastor Huang left, my wife and I took on the responsibility of leading this ministry, which continued for ten years. Initially, I felt ill-equipped, so I spent a considerable amount of time studying the Bible to deepen my understanding of the truth. From 2009 to 2019, many Chinese students, scholars, and their families came to PSU and OHSU. Through this fellowship, many heard the gospel, and several accepted Christ. We are grateful for the support and assistance from CEC brothers and sisters throughout these years.

For me, serving these students and scholars was more about being equipped and served by the Lord. I experienced significant personal growth during this time. Through service, my understanding of the truth became clearer, my life was edified, and my character was shaped with love, grace, and patience. God's provision and miraculous works were abundant, and His faithfulness and grace were overwhelming.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, if there is any need within the church, please do not hesitate to bravely step forward to serve. God's blessings and our growth through service far exceed what we seek or imagine.

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