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鵬飛 弟兄 (Herbert Chen) 見證



我曾經經歷了幾次重大的工作環境變遷,第一次是86年從IT技術人員變成市場銷售,一年必須代表公司出差四、五次去中國大陸,每次都是一個多月,不但我個人辛苦,對留在美國的太太及孩子也非常地艱難,CEC就好像一個保護傘使他們有很好的屬靈之家,我的太太積極參與教會的各事奉,我的兒子與女兒也在CEC的兒童及youth group漸漸長大且分別受洗歸入主的名下。




到了2016年我從山上搬到了Sauvie Island 的水邊,為了是能就近我女兒家,幫她照顧有病的孩子。我的小外孫Winston也是在CEC弟兄姊妹的代禱及關愛下度過了近十一個年頭在世的日子。今年四月我們為Winston在CEC做了一個追思禮拜,我們縱有萬般的不捨,卻也感恩這近十一年來他帶給我們的歡笑與喜樂。Winston的追思會也感動了與會所有的人。是神先愛了我們,我們才有人間的親情與友情。也是神的愛給了我們有勇氣面對人生的挑戰。

我在2017年底,被診斷罹患攝護腺癌,必須儘快切除,是一個主日的聚會中,牧師特別提名為我禱告,奇妙地引起從加州第一次來CEC聚會的沈弟兄夫婦的注意,會後他們主動為我介紹加州的一位醫生作2nd opinion。當我去了加州,那位醫生卻又奇妙地建議我去做放射線治療。長話短說,我在加州的治療非常成功,如今早已不用任何藥物,而每次檢查的PSA指數都是0.01.



I came to the United States in 1980 and settled in Portland, and I also joined the CEC family. Over the past forty-some years, I have experienced the ups and downs of life, and the brothers and sisters of CEC have been with me all along.

I went through several significant changes in my career. The first one was in 1986 when I transitioned from an IT technician to a marketing sales role. I had to travel to mainland China on business trips four or five times a year, each lasting over a month. It was not only challenging for me but also difficult for my wife and children back in the United States. CEC served as a protective umbrella for them, providing a strong spiritual home. My wife actively participated in church service, and my son and daughter grew up in CEC's children and youth groups, eventually getting baptized.

In 1996, the company's strategy changed, and I faced a ruthless layoff. I not only had to find a new job but also switch back from sales to a technical role. Through the prayers of the brothers and sisters and my earnest supplication to God, He eventually provided me with a new IT job. Thanks to the Lord, I no longer needed to travel for work, which allowed me more time with my family and involvement in church service.

In 2002, my wife passed away suddenly due to cardiovascular disease. During this time of grief, I found solace in the CEC Mandarin small group meetings held at my home every week. Later, I rejoined the church choir and began leading Bible studies in the small group, finding comfort from the Lord and the encouragement and care of my brothers and sisters.

I bought a piece of land on a mountain outside the city, where I worked hard, built two houses, and lived there for 13 years. Despite the distance, I never stopped attending CEC gatherings, and I often hosted choir and small group members at my mountain home on weekends and holidays.

In 2016, I moved from the mountain to the water's edge on Sauvie Island to be closer to my daughter and help her take care of her sick child, my grandson, Winston. With the prayers and care from CEC brothers and sisters, Winston spent nearly eleven years in this world. In April of this year, we held a memorial service for Winston at CEC. Though we experienced profound sadness, we also appreciated the joy and laughter he brought us during these years. Winston's memorial deeply moved everyone present. It's God's love that comes first, which allows us to have family and friendship in this world. It's also God's love that gives us the courage to face life's challenges.

At the end of 2017, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had to have surgery quickly. During a Sunday service, the pastor singled me out for a special prayer. Strangely, this caught the attention of brother Shen and his wife, who were attending CEC for the first time from California. After the service, they introduced me to a doctor in California for a second opinion. When I went to California, that doctor surprisingly recommended radiation therapy. Long story short, my treatment in California was very successful, and I no longer need any medication. My PSA level is consistently 0.01 in each checkup.

Three years ago, I moved again, and now I live not only closer to my daughter but also just ten minutes away from CEC.

In summary, during my 43 years in the United States, I changed jobs several times, moved homes several times, and experienced the birth, aging, sickness, and death of life. Strangely, I never left Portland, never left CEC, and most importantly, never left the Lord! Thanks to the Lord, I have grown together with CEC.

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